About 斗六人社交圈
斗六人社交圈APP,是台灣第一個區域性的APP,主要人數3萬多人,特約商家約有50多家,數量一直增加當中,APP與FB廣告同步進行,可以帶動商家人氣與產值,是一個很棒的構想,APP系統裡面很多,有店家GPS定位,熱線撥話,地區景點導覽,並與斗六市公所配合宣傳,這樣的行銷方式是一個幫棒的模式,不管是商家或消費者使用者都是一個不可多得的方法喔! Douliou people circle APP, APP is the first regional Taiwan, mainly the number of 30,000 people, about more than 50 special businesses, the number of which has been increasing, APP and FB ads simultaneously, can drive the business popularity and value , is a great idea, a lot of APP system which has stores GPS location, hotline call, the navigation area attractions, and with Douliou City Hall with the publicity, this marketing approach is a great model to help, whether it is business user or consumer is a rare approach Oh!