About 1798
1798.co is a website for all travelers. Not matter where you are, on your well deserved vacation or right near your lovely house, you can share where you go and what you see with your family and friends. Come join the rest of us!
* Take and share high resolution photo, not like those small square ones taken by Foursquare or Instagram
* Unique technology to eliminate camera over exposure
* Small but useful set of camera filters for travelers
* Save location information, altitude and photo shooting direction, help you to capture every little detail of your moment
* Show your trips in our slick Trackshow playback mode
* Support photo taking in off-line mode, will automatically upload and share your footprints when network become available
* Instantly sharing your new footprints, likes and comments to your friends who are also using 1798 app
* Explore other traveler's stories by searching for city names or simply search nearby
* Easy editing your trip with unique group editing UI
* Instant syncing your footprints to friends on Chinese Sina Weibo or Tencent Weibo services