About ストレスチェック、心の健康管理、メンタルヘルスケア 健ちゃん
ストレス、ストレス診断、ストレスチェック、診断、チェック、評価、不安、イライラ、疲れ、だるい、落着かない、ゆううつ、怒り、めまい、頭痛、具合、食欲、便秘、下痢、眠れない、動悸、息切れ、肩ごり Ken-chan is an application that measures the stress that you face, and evaluated.
In this application, I am using contract research group of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has developed "occupational stress simple questionnaire". Is roughly divided, it is composed of three categories of stressors stress reaction and qualified factors of work.
From stress check result, it will be able to check the stress situation of individual visually. In addition, since it is also presented the results explanation and advice, to help health management of your mind.
Stress, stress diagnosis, stress checks, diagnosis, check, evaluation, anxiety, irritability, fatigue, sluggish, there is no or settled, depression, anger, dizziness, headache, condition, appetite, constipation, diarrhea, can not sleep, palpitations, shortness of breath, shoulder your Ri