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Hrvatski radioamaterski savez (HRS), je nacionalni strukovni savez tehničke kulture, nestranačka, nevladina i neprofitna udruga koja okuplja preko 2000 radioamatera u više od 90 radioklubova diljem Hrvatske. HRS je član Hrvatske zajednice tehničke kulture i Međunarodne radioamaterske unije (IARU; International Amateur Radio Union) Using HRS applications read the latest articles from the portal, save it and read later and receive notifications of new news, and alerts the administrator portal.
Croatian Amateur Radio Association (HRS), the national trade association of technical culture, non-partisan, non-profit organization that brings together over 2000 radio amateurs in more than 90 radio clubs all over the Croatian. HRS is a member of the Croatian Technical Culture and the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU; International Amateur Radio Union)