Lise Matematik YGS - LYS for Android
Uygulamada yer er alan konular: Polinomlar, Mantık, Kümeler, Bağıntı, Fonksiyon, Permütasyon, Kombinasyon, Olasılık, Karmaşık Sayılar, Eşitsizlikler, Çarpanlara Ayırma, Asal Sayılar, Bölünebilme, Logaritma, Üstel Fonksiyonlar, Trigonometri, Limit, Süreklilik, Türev...
Videos with all mathematical topics that you can use throughout your high school education in your pocket and your tablet. YGS and LYS is perfect for preparationApplication in other fields topics: polynomials, Logic, Sets, Relations, Functions, Permutations and Combinations, Probability, Complex Numbers, inequalities, Factorization, Prime Numbers, divisibility, logarithms, exponential functions, trigonometry, limits, continuity, derivative ...