Aneka Resep Lauk Pauk for Android
Daftar Lauk yang biasa dimakan dalam kegiatan sehari-hari :
1. Ayam
2. Daging
3. Ikan
4. Tempe
5. Tahu
6. Oncom
7. Telur
8. Bakwan
9. Kepiting
10. Udang
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The side dishes are one type of complementary food staple food. Lauk is one member of a group of four of five perfectly healthy that is so legendary. Side dishes can make eating a heavy meal activity becomes more fun because it is enough to dominate. Sometimes the dishes used to hide the taste of the food staple and the vegetables were less fit the tastes of people who eat it.List Lauk commonly eaten in their daily activities:
1. Chicken
2. Meat
3. Fish
4. Tempe
5. Know
6. Oncom
7. Eggs
8. Bakwan
9. Crabs
10. Shrimp
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