Aneka Resep Bakso for Android
Untuk membuat makanan bakso ini maka bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan antara lain adalah:
1 kg daging sapi
1 sdt baking soda
1/4 kg tepung sagu
3 butir telur
Es batu
Bahan yang perlu dihaluskan:
4 siung bawang merah
Garam secukupnya
4 siung bawang putih
Lada secukupnya
Bumbu penyedap secukupnya
Cara pembuatan bakso daging sapi:
Campur beberapa bahan seperti sagu, daging sapi, baking soda, bumbu yang sudah dihaluskan dan sagu, selanjutnya giling sampai halus. Untuk menjaga supaya suhu tetap rendah, maka tambahkan es batu sedikit demi sedikit, angkat jika adonan sudah halus.
"Untuk lebih lengkapnya mengenai aneka resep bakso, silahkan download aplikasi"
Meatballs or meatball is a kind of ball of meat commonly found in dishes Indonesia.Bakso generally made of a mixture of ground beef and tapioca flour, but there are meatballs made from chicken, fish, or shrimp even buffalo meat. In the presentation, meatballs usually served hot with clear beef broth soup, mixed with noodles, rice noodles, bean sprouts, tofu, eggs and sometimes sprinkled with fried onions and celery. The meatballs are very popular and can be found throughout Indonesia; of carts street vendors to great restaurants. Various types of meatballs now widely offered in the form of frozen foods sold in supermarkets or malls. Sliced meatballs can also be used as a complement to other foods such as fried noodles, fried rice, or cap cai.To make this meatball meal then the materials needed include:
1 kg of beef
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 kg of corn starch
3 eggs
Ice Cube
Materials need to be refined:
4 spring onions
Salt to taste
4 cloves garlic
pepper to taste
Seasoning to taste
Ways of making beef meatballs:
Mix some ingredients such as corn, beef, baking soda, spice paste and sago, then milled until smooth. To keep the temperature low, then add the ice cubes little by little, lifting if the dough is smooth.
"For more details about the various recipes meatballs, please download the application"