Cek NUPTK for Android
NUPTK terdiri dari 16 angka yang bersifat tetap karena NUPTK yang dimiliki seorang PTK tidak akan berubah meskipun yang bersangkutan telah berpindah tempat mengajar , perubahan riwayat status kepegawaian dan atau terjadi perubahan data lainnya.
NUPTK stands for Unique Number of Teachers and Education Personnel Identification Number which is for an educator or Personnel. NUPTK given to all PTK both civil servants and non-civil service official Identification Number for identification purposes in a variety of implementation of programs and activities related to education in order to improve the quality of teachers and education personnel.NUPTK consists of 16 numbers that are fixed for NUPTK owned a PTK will not change even though the party concerned has moved teaching, employment status and history changes or changes in other data.