About Buku PKN 5
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan / PKN untuk SD/MI kelas V
Buku Sekolah Elektronik Pelajaran PKn Kelas 5 SD ini bisa Anda download gratis. Dikemas dalam bentuk aplikasi, memudahkan dalam belajar. Merupakan modul resmi terbitan Kemendikbud. Dengan adanya aplikasi BSE PKn ini diharapkan dapat memudahkan guru dan siswa dalam mempelajari materi-materi pelajaran PKn tanpa harus membelinya. Buku dalam bentuk aplikasi ini diperuntukkan bagi siswa sekolah dasar dan madrasah ibtidaiyah kelas 5. BSE PKn ini merupakan buku yang berisi pengenalan tentang kewarganegaraan indonesia dan semboyan dasar negera pancasila, yaitu memuat tentang kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat Indonesia yang berlandaskan nilai-nilai moral Pancasila, sehingga para siswa dapat mengenal dan mempelajarinya.
Ini adalah buku sekolah digital yang disediakan oleh pemerintah. Memuat pengetahuan umum tentang mata pelajaran SD, soal ujian, ujian sekolah dasar diantaranya latihan ulangan harian, mingguan, semester dan tengah semester, akhir semester dan kenaikan kelas.
Buku BSE PKn Kelas 5 berisi materi :
Semester I
Bab 1 Keutuhan Negara Republik Indonesia (NKRI)
Bab 2 Peraturan Perundang-undangan Tingkat Pusat dan Daerah
Ujian semester 1
Semester II
Bab 3 Kebebasan Berorganisasi
Bab 6 Keputusan Bersama
Ujian semester 2
Evaluasi Akhir Tahun
Kamus Kecil
Penulis :
- Najib Sulhan
- Nafich
- Yamini
- Asmunah
Judul buku :
Mari Belajar Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan untuk SD/MI Kelas V
- Membahas tentang NKRI, menjaga keutuhan NKRI dan mempertahankannya.
- Mengerti tentang pentingnya perundangan baik tingkat pusat hingga daerah, mengetahui contoh peraturan perundangan
- Mengetahui apa itu organisasi, bentuk organisasi, peran serta dalam organisasi
- Mengerti pengertian keputusan, bentuk keputusan bersama, dan bagaimana mematuhi keputusan bersama
Untuk melatih siswa setiap bab terdapat soal-soal latihan, setiap akhir semester terdapat soal-soal latihan semester, serta evaluasi akhir tahun
Salam Sukses
The entire archive is distributed with an open license, and can be accessed directly by the public without the need to register and to download by clicking on the link DOWNLOAD DRAFT on each page information book archive. This book content is sourced from the open licenses http://www.buku-e.lipi.go.id/ Civics / PKN for SD / MI class V
Electronic School Book Classroom Civics Lesson 5 SD can be downloaded for free. Packaged in the application form, making it easy to learn. Kemendikbud issue an official module. With the application of Civics BSE is expected to facilitate teachers and students in learning civics lesson materials without having to buy. Books in the application form is intended for students of primary schools and madrasah grade Civics 5. BSE is a book that contains the introduction of Indonesian nationality and country of Pancasila basic motto, which contains about daily life of Indonesian society which is based on moral values of Pancasila, so that students can get to know and learn.
This is the digital school books provided by the government. Contains a general knowledge of elementary subjects, exam, exam including retraining primary school daily, weekly, half and half term, the end of the semester and grade.
BSE books contain material Civics Class 5:
first half
Chapter 1 The integrity of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI)
Chapter 2 Legislation Central and Local Level
1 semester exams
Semester II
Chapter 3 Freedom to Organize
Chapter 6 Joint Decree
2nd semester exams
Evaluation End of Year
concise dictionary
- Najib Sulhan
- Nafich
- Yamini
- Asmunah
Book title :
Let's Learn Citizenship Education for SD / MI Class V
- Discusses Homeland, keeping the integrity of the Republic and defend it.
- Understanding of the importance of good legislation central to local level, find a sampling of legislation
- Knowing what the organization, forms of organization, participation in the organization
- Understand the notion decisions, form a joint decision, and how to comply with the joint decision
For each chapter there is a train students practice questions, each end of the semester there are practice questions semesters, as well as the year-end evaluation
Send regards for success
The entire archive is distributed with an open license, and can be accessed Directly by the public without the need to register and to download by clicking on the link DOWNLOAD DRAFT on each page information book archive. This book content is sourced from the open licenses http://www.buku-e.lipi.go.id/