Рецепты. Учебник for Android
В момент создания кулинарного блога я преследовала две цели. Первая - это собрать в одном месте все те рецепты, которые были мною опробованы, дабы они всегда были под рукой и в удобном формате. Вторая цель - помочь читателям найти ответ на повседневный вопрос: «Что и как приготовить в домашних условиях?».
Our application is the author's culinary blog, which with some regularity, for over 1655 days publishes a variety of delicious homemade recipes. All recipes with step by step photos, because the process of cooking is greatly facilitated. Many recipes contain links to similar step by step recipes that have been published on the blog before.When you create a culinary blog, I had two objectives. The first - is to gather in one place all the recipes that have been tested by me, that they were always on hand and easy to use format. The second objective - to help readers find answers to everyday questions, "What and how to cook at home?".