Filipino Keyboard for Android
Filipino Keyboard having more facility for write Filipino language and to share your text also in Filipino language. Filipino Keyboard is to implement in whole phone keyboard type to write in Filipino language.
Now you easy to write Filipino language in your phone make it simple to read and write in Filipino language. It is all about Filipino users to type in that fashion.
1. Enable Filipino Keyboard
-> Set Filipino Keyboard in language and input method in your phone.
2. Switch Filipino Keyboard
-> Choose Filipino Keyboard as input method from set up input method option.
3. Themes
-> Filipino Keyboard having mainly 8 themes in keypads. Such as Mountain Sky, Sunset, Mountain Grass, Color Wave, Dark Stone, Blue Valley, Color Flower. Choose according to user that want in keyboard type as background and font style whatever your want.
4. Images
-> Select photo from gallery or take photo from camera to choose as background image in your keyboard type if you want to set your photo or family photo or child photo in your phone keyboard you can easily set as background which you like to set too.
5. Preview
-> Preview give you best option to how your keyboard looks a like in your phone, if you want to change anything you can easily change via setting or themes whatever you like to change in preview of Filipino keyboard. You can check preview anytime when you change anything from setting or else.
6. Setting
-> Setting facility is to user give more option for set keyboard according to user choice and make it more simple to write.
-> Apply auto capitalization option to give user make easy for first word capital of each sentence.
-> Popup on key press give to see what you write character at the time of press a keypad.
-> Vibrate on key press option apply for vibrate when you keypad press and phone get in vibration.
-> Sound on key press give you sound when you press on keypad on Filipino keyboard.
-> Suggestion on key press give you option for suggestion to write according to your character of type in and dictionary or saved word give suggestions.
-> Sound Volume apply to set volume of sound when you press on keypad.
-> Suggestion text size apply to set size of suggestion text of word.
-> Key Text Color give you color option of keypad on Filipino keyboard.
-> Preview Text Color also set as your choice.
Filipino Keyboard is to set via mainly two steps convert your phone keyboard to Filipino language keyboard.
Filipino Keyboard is for all the user of Filipino user who want to type in Filipino and share and send text in Filipino language.