Best Islamic Quotes App for Android
I like it
The app worked well, and then I was no longer able to post anymore quotes. App stopped working.
Iam so gald to get this app
Subhan Allah
Iam so gald to get this app
Good heart touching
Very good app
Great job
love it
Love it
Alhamdulillah for the application
i like it
Wonderful effort.....
Awesome...its make my iman strong...
Do more work like this
Having attractive appearance
Mashallah I love it
Very good app
Its fantastic. ...
Nice app
Awesome...its make my iman strong...
Its is informative n best statuses v can evr keep on our sites..
V nice app,, keep it up
Love it. V nice aap . I want every one to download it.
Love this up.
If there is higher than five stars I'll give you more than just five. I loved this app!! There's nothing more I can say Mashaallah.!
Alhamdullilah this app is really good
Love it sooooo much
May Allah bless you!!!
these quotes help me live my life in a positive manner thank you may allah bless you in 100 fold for this amazing app
Super duper love it. Thank you so much. may ALLAH bless you. Amin
by M####:
I like it