Radios de Rusia Plus for Android
Para disfrutar de todo esto y en forma gratuita solo tiene que descargarla , es fácil, es rápida y tendrá todo esto a la mano las 24 horas del día.
Espero que le guste es ta aplicación , que la disfrute.
Le pido el favor la califique con de 1 a 5 estrellas (*****) se lo agradecerá mucho ya que esto me estimula me ayuda a detectar las fallas y entonces a mejorar.
Se lo agradezco anticipadamente. Hasta pronto.
Russian Radio Plus is a free but very complete application, where you find everything you need: music of their choice, but likes sports, national and international news, cultural events and more.To enjoy all this for free and you only have to download it, it's easy, fast and have this on hand 24 hours a day.
I hope you like it ta application, you enjoy it.
Please ask the qualifying with 1 to 5 stars (*****) will thank you much as this stimulates me helps me to detect faults and then improve.
I thank you in advance. See you soon.