Quicorp for Android
En América Latina estamos presentes en los siguientes países: Perú, Química Suiza; Ecuador, Quifatex; Colombia, Quideca; Bolivia, Quimiza; Venezuela, Química Suiza Industrial Caribe y Química Suiza Industrial (QSI) en toda la región.
Ingrese con su cuenta de extranet Quicorp para acceder a las aplicaciones de la empresa.
We are a leading international corporation with more than 7 decades, leading representation, import, manufacture (Cifarma), marketing, logistics, distribution and support of pharmaceutical, consumer, supplies and equipment sectors: industrial, agro-veterinary and construction.In Latin America we operate in the following countries: Peru, Chemistry Switzerland; Ecuador, Quifatex; Colombia, Quideca; Bolivia, Quimiza; Venezuela, Caribbean and Industrial Chemistry Switzerland Switzerland Industrial Chemistry (QSI) throughout the region.
Login with your account Quicorp extranet to access enterprise applications.