
GLine Free App

Rated 3.54/5 (71) —  Free Android application by Gotren Gloosoft


About GLine

GLine aplikasi pemesanan taksi online dari Gelora Taksi Solo. Anda bisa melihat taksi di sekitar Anda, melakukan pemesanan secara langsung, mengetahui posisi kendaraan yang akan menjemput Anda dan mengetahui estimasi biaya perjalanan Anda.

10 Keunggulan yang diperoleh:
1. Anda bisa melihat taksi di sekitar Anda,
2. Melakukan pemesanan secara langsung,
3. Dapat panggil langsung ke driver yang terlihat di map otomatis tersambung
4. Dapat panggil langsung ke operator otomatis tersambung
5. Dapat SMS secara langsung ke driver atau ke operator
6. Dapat Chating secara langsung ke driver atau ke operator otomatis
7. Melaui Fast Service dapat pesan secara langsung dan cepat
8. Melalui Reservasi dapat memesan taksi sesuia keinginan anda
9. Mengetahui posisi kendaraan yang akan menjemput Anda
10. Mengetahui estimasi biaya perjalanan Anda.

Dengan keunggulan tersebut ketepatan, kecepatan dan akurasi yang diinginkan oleh customer akan dapat dipenuhi.

GLine online taxi booking application from Gelora Taxi Solo. You can see a taxi around you, place an order directly, knowing the position of the vehicle that will pick you up and find out the estimated cost of your trip.

10 Advantages obtained:
1. You can see a taxi around you,
2. Make a booking directly,
3. Can the call directly to the driver looks at the map automatically connect
4. Can the call directly to the operator automatically connect
5. Can SMS directly to the driver or operator to
6. Can Chating directly to the driver or operator to automatically
7. Through Fast Service messages can directly and quickly
8. Through Reservations can order a taxi in conformity to your wishes
9. Knowing the position of the vehicle that will pick you
10. Knowing the estimated cost of your trip.

With the advantages of accuracy, speed and accuracy desired by the customer will be met. GLine online taxi booking application from Gelora Taxi Solo. You can see a taxi around you, place an order directly, knowing the position of the vehicle that will pick you up and find out the estimated cost of your trip.

10 Advantages obtained:
1. You can see a taxi around you,
2. Make a booking directly,
3. Can the call directly to the driver looks at the map automatically connect
4. Can the call directly to the operator automatically connect
5. Can SMS directly to the driver or operator to
6. Can Chating directly to the driver or operator to automatically
7. Through Fast Service messages can directly and quickly
8. Through Reservations can order a taxi in conformity to your wishes
9. Knowing the position of the vehicle that will pick you
10. Knowing the estimated cost of your trip.

With the advantages of accuracy, speed and accuracy desired by the customer will be met.

GLine online taxi booking application from Gelora Taxi Solo. You can see a taxi around you, place an order Directly, knowing the position of the vehicle that will pick you up and find out the estimated cost of your trip.

10 Advantages Obtained:
1. You can see a taxi around you,
2. Make a booking Directly,
3. Can the call Directly to the driver looks at the map automatically connect
4. Can the call Directly to the operator automatically connect
5. Can SMS Directly to the driver or operator to
6. Can Chating Directly to the driver or operator to automatically
7. Through Fast Service messages can Directly and quickly intervening
8. Through Reservations can order a taxi in conformity to your wishes
9. Knowing the position of the vehicle that will pick you
10. Knowing the estimated cost of your trip.

With the advantages of accuracy, speed and accuracy desired by the customer will be met.

How to Download / Install

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Downloaded 5,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: com.gotren.gelora, download GLine.apk

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App History & Updates

What's Changed
- Perbaikan bugs
- Penambahan fitur antar penumpang langsung tanpa pemesanan
More downloads  GLine reached 5 000 - 10 000 downloads

What are users saying about GLine

by J####:


by T####:

Gampang dipakenya n g cuman reservasi online tp bisa cll, sms, n chat.. Jooosss!

by K####:

Harusnya interface nya easy using. Mirip gocar/uber/grab Agak ribet ini pemakaiannya Kallau udah lebih baik nanti kasi bintang 5

by S####:

Untuk menentukan lokasi penjemputan dan lokasi tujuan masih agak susah terutama untuk wilayah di luar kota solo. Meski banyak belajar dari aplikasi lain seperti gojek atau grab. Semoga sukses.

by S####:

Aplikasinya gak berjalan dengan haik. Saya tlp supirnya tapi malah di suruh tlp pusat dan ternyata lokasi supir dengan di peta berbeda jauh. Di peta di kartosuro, aslinya supirnya di tawangmangu. Saya pesan 3kali gak ada konfirmasi maupun bantuan dari pusat.

by T####:

Good booking online, next time use

by Z####:

Ditingkatkan lagi, supaya pengguna merasa nyaman

by S####:

More honesty n more friendly patient for all drivers..good luck n more succses to gelora taksi at solo

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