About Easy DIY Diorama Projects
A diorama is a way to build an exciting scene in a small space. They usually display a historical time period, a nature scene, or a fictional situation, and allow a lot of room for creativity and innovation. Whether your diorama is a school project, a base for a model, or just for fun, building one is easy. Try these techniques for a homemade diorama that is sure to impress!
Choose your theme. Dioramas are small scenes created of layers of materials, all depicting a similar theme. Think of the topic or idea you want your diorama to portray - is it a scene from a book? A period in time? An example of an ecosystem or animal/plant group? The options for a diorama are endless.
Plan your diorama. Create a list of ideas for possible inclusions for your diorama. How do you want the background to look? Will you use found objects only, or printed pictures as well? Do you need to buy any supplies to create your scene, or can it all be made using things from your home and garden? Brainstorming ideas prior to starting to build up your diorama will help you to have a more finished looking piece.
Select a frame. Because dioramas have layers of background, they need a box or frame that is several inches deep. For a basic diorama, a shoebox or old shipping box can be turned on its side and used.
Create your background. Your diorama should be worked on from the back to the front.
Build up the ground. A realistic diorama does not fail to acknowledge the creation of the ground. Add details to the ground using paint or modeling clay.
Begin adding details. Add your first layer of details and objects at the back and near the sides of your diorama. At this point, you could add larger detail items such as trees, rocks, or pieces of furniture
Finish the landscape. Complete the background for your diorama by adding any additional landscape details you may want. If you are creating a nature scene, add anything to represent trees, grass, flowers, rocks, et cetera. The same should be done for any scene though - add in everything you want for a completed landscape.