About Good Books Lookup
Find the perfect book for your school-aged reader. This app makes it easy to find books within specific reading ranges, comprehension levels, and topic interests. It’s the ideal tool to guide a child’s success in a school’s reading and comprehension program. The Good Books Lookup app was created by parents who wanted to find books that their children would enjoy reading while their children participated in AR™ Accelerated Reader reading programs at school.
Scan, Search, or Browse to find a good book to read
Scan a book’s barcode to retrieve a full list of book information including:
• Book Title
• Author’s Name
• Book Reading Level
• Number of Points the Book Quiz is worth
Search for a specific book by providing any of the following criteria:
• Book Title
• Author’s Name
Browse a custom list of book recommendations by searching based on:
• Reader’s Grade Level
• Reading Level Range
• Number of Points the Book Quiz is worth
• Book Topic and Sub-Topic
Good Books Lookup is available for the iPhone and iPad.
AR and Accelerated Reader are registered trademarks of Renaissance Place. Good Books Lookup is not affiliated with Renaissance Place.
Key words: book, reading, comprehension, finder, literacy, bookshelf, AR, Accelerated Reader, school, elementary, reader, novels, reading level, reading program, reading guide, fiction, non-fiction, common core, education, scanner, book scanner, quiz, ISBN, author.
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