Zainal BUMSS

Zainal BUMSS Free App

Rated 5.00/5 (1) —  Free Android application by Bumss Official Developer

About Zainal BUMSS

Moch. Zainal Arifin, Lahir, Surabaya, Anak Ke 1 Dari 4 Besaudara. Mahasiswa, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Pria ini dilahirkan dari keturunan pedagang, SangAyah bernama Achmad Zaini, ibunya bernama Urifa, sejak kecil Zainal dihadapkan dengan banyak orang. sejak kecil sudah dibelajari berdagang sama ayah, sejak masih duduk di sekolah dasar (SD) Sampai Menjadi Mahasiswa. Hingga Kuliah disuruh ke pasar untuk bantu-bantu memotongan ayam, pengiriman sampai mengatur keuangan di usaha dagang ayah saya ketika waktu sekolah libur.

Pengalaman Bisnis : Supervisor Di Bisnis Multilevel Marketing Herbalife (2014-2015), Sempat menjadi Komisaris Di CV FAJAR AA .

Pada Awal Tahun 2017 , Dikenalkan PT BUMSS , Dan Pada Akhirnya Sebagai Leaders BUMSS wilayah Madura. Moch. Zainal Arifin, Birth, Surabaya, Children To 1 Of 4 Besaudara. Students, State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

This man was born of the seed merchant, SangAyah named Achmad Zaini, his mother was Urifa, since childhood Zainal faced with a lot of people. dibelajari trade since childhood has the same father, since I was in elementary school (SD) Up to Become Students. Until Lecture sent to the market for auxiliary aids memotongan-chicken, shipments to managing finances in a trading business my father when the time of the school holidays.

Business experience: Supervisor In Multilevel Marketing Business Herbalife (2014-2015), Could be a Commissioner in CV DAWN AA.

At the Beginning of the Year 2017, Introduced PT BUMSS, And In Finally As Leaders BUMSS Madura region.

How to Download / Install

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Android package: com.goodbarber.zainalarifin, download Zainal BUMSS.apk

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