Meillyana Tjung

Meillyana Tjung Free App

Rated 5.00/5 (4) —  Free Android application by Bumss Official Developer


About Meillyana Tjung

Meillyana Kurniawan ( Meillyana Tjung) Lahir Ruteng -NTT, 03 Mei 1986 Anak ke 2 dari 5 bersaudara.
Status Menikah, suami seorang Dokter Spesialis Radiology dan memiliki 2 anak ( Putra dan Putri)
Sejak kecil hidup dilingkungan keluarga pedagang yang sering berhadapan dengan orang banyak, sejak Usia 8th saat Menginjak bangku Sekolah Dasar sudah berkecimpung dengan dunia dagang, yaitu berdagang Kue. Berdagang kue diPasar sampai kerumah-rumah tetangga, dengan tujuan membantu usaha kedua orangtua. Hingga memasuki dunia mahasiswi pun juga masih berlanjut berdagang cosmetics dan fashion.
Pengalaman menjadi karyawan diperusahaan sejak 2007-2009 ( PT. PRODIA WIDYAHUSADA) memilih Resign dari dunia kantoran karna lebih mengutamakan mengurus Rumah tangga terutama anak-anak.
Sejak menjadi full Ibu Rumah tangga, maka memulai lagi usaha kecil-kecilan...
Berbagai macam bisnis Multilevel dan konvensional sudah digeluti, mulai dari Parfum, cosmetics, fashion, perlengkapan Rumah tangga bahkan buku-buku pendidikan dan semua itu dipasarkan secara online lewat media sosial (Fb, bbm, wa) rata-rata bisnis multilevel yang digeluti berakhir gagal karna Kurang Focus

Awal Tahun 2016, merintis usaha Bridal and Salon kecantikan di Kupang NTT.
Sejak Tanggal 1 maret 2016, bergabung sebagai Mitra di PT. BUMSS.
Sampai saat ini bertekad akan focus diusaha Tour Travel multi Bisnis BUMSS, karna Yang paling mendasar adalah Product yang dipasarkan sudah PASTI kebutuhan yang memang sangat dibutuhkan oleh semua kalangan masyarakat, didukung dengan perkembangan theknologi yang semakin pesat saat ini. Dan sampai sekarang Memiliki mitra yang tersebar diseluruh indonesia, hingga daerah pelosok. Meillyana Kurniawan (Meillyana Tjung) Born Ruteng -NTT, May 3, 1986 Children to 2 out of 5 children.
Status Married, husband of a Physician Specialist Radiology and has two children (son and daughter)
Since childhood living environment merchant families who are often faced with the crowds, since the age of the current 8th Stepping elementary school has been involved with the world of trade, ie trade Cakes. Selling cakes home-home market to its neighbors, with the aim of helping businesses both parents. Until well into the student world was also continued trade of cosmetics and fashion.
Experience an employee of the company since 2007-2009 (PT. PRODIA WIDYAHUSADA) chose resign from office because the world prefer the care of the household, especially children.
Since becoming a full mother households, then start another small business ...
A wide variety of business Multilevel and conventional been cultivated, ranging from perfume, cosmetics, fashion, gear Housekeeping even educational books and all that marketed online through social media (Fb, bbm, wa) average multilevel business that was involved ended disastrously karna Less Focus

Early 2016, pioneering efforts Bridal and Beauty Salon in Kupang NTT.
Since the 1st of March 2016, joined as a partner in PT. BUMSS.
Until now determined to focus diusaha multi Business Travel Tour BUMSS, because the most fundamental is the product marketed already DEFINITELY needs that are needed by all the community, supported by the development of increasingly rapid theknologi this. And until now Having a partner that has spread throughout Indonesia, to remote areas.

How to Download / Install

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