Siti Kurimah

Siti Kurimah Free App

Rated 5.00/5 (1) —  Free Android application by Bumss Official Developer

About Siti Kurimah

“Siti Kurimah, atau biasa disapa Mba Ima, telah berhasil menempuh pendidikan S2 nya di salah satu Perguruan tinggi di Surabaya, sehingga mendapat gelar Magister Management (MM).
Ibu dari 2 orang anak (putra dan putri), saat ini aktif menjadi seorang Wiraswasta dengan membuka usaha counter (tempat penjualan paket data internet, Pulsa, Token Listrik, pembayaran PPOB dan lain-lain) dengan nama outlet 19 Cell dan juga mempunyai rumah kost dengan nama “Al-Maghfira”
Pengalaman selama kurang lebih 14 tahun bekerja sebagai karyawati, membuat Ima mempunyai motifasi untuk bisa berkarya sendiri dan lepas dari zona nyaman di perusahaan-perusahaan yang pernah ditempatinya.
2013 - saat ini sebagai Pemilik Usaha Sieji soNGO dikenal sebagai 19 cell dan pemilik Rumah Kost “Al- Maghfira”, Ia sering menyebutnya sebagai the Real of life karena sudah tidak terikat/bekerja di perusahaan
2009 – 2017 menjadi Assistant Manager sales support di Perusahaan Electronics No.1 di Korea Selatan PT. Samsung Electronics Indonesia Cabang Surabaya
2004 – 2009 menjadi Accounting Administrator PSI staff di Perusahaan Electronics dari Jepang PT. Sharp Electronics Indonesia Cabang Surabaya
2000 – 2004 menjadi broadcaster di Radio ternama di Kediri yaitu Radio Airlangga Pare – kediri
Istri dari Usahawan Dodik Okto Hermanto,ST.Ti, Saat ini memilih pensiun dini dari pekerjaan nya menjadi karyawan karena jiwa enterpreneur nya telah membawanya menggeluti usaha sendiri di dunia telekomunikasi bersama Suami.
Telah memiliki 4 outlet sendiri di area Sidoarjo, didukung oleh BUMSS untuk mewujudkan mimpi menjadi Pengusaha Sukses.
Ketertarikannya bergabung bersama BUMSS adalah karena BUMS sebagai pendukung bisnis yang dijalani saat ini dan menyulap hidupnya menjadi FINANCIAL FREEDOM, kemudahan dalam menjalankan bisnis BUMSS dimana produknya merupakan fasilitas yang dibutuhkan banyak orang. Di dukung oleh technologi yang canggih membuat bisnis ini tidak menjadi ribet dan mudah di jalankan, Istilah DUNIA DALAM GENGGAMAN benar-benar ada di BUMSS.
Harapannya bersama BUMSS Ia bisa benar-benar menjadi JUARA Pengusaha Sukses”
Salam sukses from Siti Kurimah bersama Sieji Songo.
#BUMSSJUARANYA# "Siti Kurimah, or so called MBA Ima, has managed to take its S2 education at one university in Surabaya, earning the title of Master of Management (MM).
The mother of two children (boys and girls), is now active as a Self to open a business counter (where the sale of Internet data packets, Toll, Token Electricity, payment PPOB and others) with the name of the outlet 19 Cell and also has a boarding house with the name "Al-Maghfira"
Experience for more than 14 years working as an employee, make Ima have the motivation to be able to work alone and separated from the comfort zone in the companies that have ever occupied.
2013 - this time as a business owner known as Songo Sieji 19 cell and the owner of Boarding House "Al Maghfira", he often referred to it as the Real of life because it is not bound / work in the company
2009 - 2017 became Assistant Manager of sales support in Electronics Company 1 in South Korea PT. Samsung Electronics Indonesia Surabaya Branch
2004 - 2009 became Accounting Administrator PSI staff in the Electronics Company of Japan PT. Sharp Electronics Indonesia Surabaya Branch
2000 - 2004 became renowned broadcaster at Radio Radio in Kediri namely Airlangga Pare - Kediri
The wife of businessman Herman Dodik Okto, ST.Ti, are currently choosing early retirement from his job being an employee because of his entrepreneurial spirit has taken him to cultivate his own business in the world of telecommunications together with husband.
Already has four outlets themselves in Sidoarjo area, supported by BUMSS to realize the dream become a Successful Entrepreneur.
Interest in joining BUMSS is because BUMS as business support current and conjure lived his life became FINANCIAL FREEDOM, ease of doing business BUMSS where its products are the facilities needed by many people. Supported by a sophisticated technologi make this business does not become complicated and easy to run, HELD IN THE WORLD term actually exists in BUMSS.
The hope together BUMSS He could really be a Successful Entrepreneur CHAMPION "
Continued success from Siti Kurimah together Sieji Songo.

How to Download / Install

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Android package: com.goodbarber.kurimah, download Siti Kurimah.apk

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