About Floorball Köniz
Die Floorball Köniz App liefert dir alle Informationen rund um unseren Verein. Sei es Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Spieldaten, Best Player Voting, Wochenfrage oder Wettbewerbe.
Während den Spielen wirst du Teil des Events und kannst mit Hilfe der App mit uns interagieren, z.B. den Best Player der Partie wählen.
The Floorball Köniz App gives you all the information you need to know about our association. Be it on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, you can check match dates, vote the best player, answer weekly questions, and find out about competitions.
During the play you’ll be part of the event, for this App helps to integrate with us e.g., vote the team’s best player. The Floorball Köniz app provides all the information you around our club. Be it Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, game data, Best Player Voting, Week question or competitions.
During the games you become part of the event and can interact with us using the app, for example, Select the Best Player of the match.
The Floorball Köniz App gives you all the information you need to know about our association. Be it on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, you can check match dates, vote the best player, answer questions weekly, and find out about competitions.
During the play you'll be part of the event, for this app helps to integrate with us EC, vote the team's best player.