About Cipto Utomo
adalah Master Trainer untuk Personal Development, Organizational Management, Emotional & Spiritual Intelligent, Leadership, & Communication Skill.
Berpengalaman mengasuh program motivatif di berbagai media, seperti radio, televisi, dan majalah. Juga aktif sebagai pembicara dengan reputasi internasional.
Banyak terlibat dalam menangani transformasi organisasi, change management, reengineering dan organization development di lingkup departemen dan kementrian RI, BUMN, BUMD, serta Pemprov & Pemkot, Organisasi, kampus & sekolah di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia.
Kepiawaiannya dalam mengelola manusia, menjadikan hampir seluruh training yang didelivernya mendapatkan katagori Excellent dari peserta.
Memiliki lebih dari 6.000 jam training, dengan audiences lebih dari 300.000, berperan besar bersama BRR Aceh-Nias dalam program Rehabilitasi Mental dan Trauma Healing bagi masyarakat Nanggroe Aceh Darussalaam pasca tragedi tsunami & perjanjian Helsinki, juga coach bagi penyandang tuna netra bersama yayasan Wiyata Guna Bandung, juga Pembina bagi para buruh migran Indonesia di Hongkong dan Singapura.
Buku yang telas diterbitkannya antara lain: EXCEL POWER, GOLD Leader, Mastering You, dan Corporate Culture Cipto UTOMO FM
is a Master Trainer for Personal Development, Organizational Management, Emotional & Spiritual Intelligent, Leadership, and Communication Skill.
Experienced care of motivational programs in a variety of media, such as radio, television, and magazines. Also active as a speaker with an international reputation.
Many involved in addressing organizational transformation, change management, reengineering and organization development in the scope of the RI departments and ministries, enterprises, public enterprises, as well as provincial and municipal government organizations, colleges and schools in various regions in Indonesia.
His skill in managing people, making up nearly the entire training didelivernya get excelent categories of participants.
Has more than 6,000 hours of training, with audiences of more than 300,000, plays a major role with BRR Aceh-Nias Rehabilitation program Mental and Trauma Healing for the people of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam after tsunami tragedy and the Helsinki agreement, also coach for the blind together foundations Wiyata Guna Bandung , also the coach for Indonesian migrant workers in Hong Kong and Singapore.
Telas publication of books, among others: EXCEL POWER, GOLD Leader, Mastering You, and Corporate Culture