About Amrullah BUMSS
AMRULLAH, lahir di Pangkep, ia sering di panggil Ullah dan anak pertama dari 4 bersaudara dari pasangan H. Muh Subair dan Hj. I Badi DG Puji .
Tamat SD Negeri No. 5 Amputtang tahun 1980, Tamat SMP Negeri Segeri 1983, tamat SMA Negeri 1 Pangkajene Kepulauan tahun 1986, tamat IKIP Ujung Pandang tahun 1991 dan terangkat menjadi Guru pada 01 Januari 1995 di Kab. Fakfak, tepatnya pada MAN Fakfak.
Motivasi terhadap BUMSS : karena BUMSS adalah satu aplikasi banyak manfaat.
Dalam satu tahun minimal 4 kali naik pesawat(butuh tiket pesawat), ada 4 anggota keluarga(semua butuh pulsa), tiap bulan harus bayar listrik. Di dalam aplikasi BUMSS ada semua itu, sehingga saya termotivasi untuk memiliki aplikasi BUMSS Amrullah, born in Pangkep, he was often on call Ullah and the first child of four children of the couple H. Muh Subair and Hj. I Badi DG Praise.
Graduated Elementary School No. 5 Amputtang 1980, 1983 Segeri End Junior High School, graduated from SMA Negeri 1 Pangkajene Islands in 1986, graduated from Ujung Pandang Teachers' Training College in 1991 and became Professor lifted on January 1, 1995 in the District. The consortium, on MAN the consortium.
Motivation to BUMSS: BUMSS is an application for benefits.
In one year at least 4 times on a plane (it took flight tickets), there are four members of the family (all need pulse), every month should pay for electricity. In the application there BUMSS it all, so I was motivated to have an application BUMSS