About My To-Do List
What is My To-Do List?
To-Do List is a very simple but smart task for everyday user for everybody.
If you are studying in school, college, organize your schedule using this simple app.
If you are working, use this app for business schedule.
If you are doing grocery and need list of items to be listed, use it.
There are so many ways you can explore!!
. Task management is very user friendly.
. Tasks are under different task lists, e.g. Business, School, Shopping, Study etc.
. Each task has a due date.
. If a task can't be completed within a due date, the color of due date becomes red.
. Swipe to finish a task. The finished task moves to FINISHED task list.
. Swipe any task from FINISHED task list and it is deleted!
. Use 'All Active List' task list to create a task quickly.
. Add and edit any task you want.
. All active tasks are shown under 'All Active List' task list.
. Use 'Up' and 'Down' arrow to move tasks within any task list.
. Set priorities for any task - High, Medium, and Low.
The categories are All active list, Repeatable tasks, Business, College, Grocery, Health, Personal, School, Shopping, Study, Team, To call, Wish list, Work, Miscellaneous and FINISHED.
A Repeatable task does not have any due date. All active tasks are listed under All active list. All completed tasks are listed under FINISHED list.