About HotNow!
HotNow! provides a light-weight subscriber notification system that can be managed from any phone.
Simply add HotNow! hotcodes and tell subscribers to text the hotcode to your phone. Then select a hotcode, enter a message, and tap Send. The messages are sent to all subscribers who have signed up for that hotcode. Subscribers can easily opt out by texting cancel and the hot code to your phone.
Use HotNow! to
- notify customers of loyalty specials,
- message your church or school group of important events, weather closings, etc
- message groups using more private communication method than social media
- add, sort, filter subscribers
- automatically add subscribers when they text HotNow! code to your phone
- backup/restore your HotNow! database so they're not lost during updates
- subscriber list will look up phone number in contacts
Email me your feedback and comments. Feel free to rate the app.