About Gas stations map of Russia
Gas stations (AZS) map of Russia.
The map of gas stations of Ukraine will be useful to those who travel through the territory of Russia by car. Our application will help you find the nearest gas station and build a route to it, as well as get full information on any of the gas stations on the map.
You can filter gas station by brand, service or fuel by selecting the settings that you need.
Gas stations brands: Lukoil, Gazprom, Aero, TATNEFT, BP, SHELL, М10-Oil, TNK, SurgutNefteGaz, Rosneft, Skarus, ViTEK, STATOIL, Sahaneftegazsbyt,ARIS, General Fueller (GF), Interoil (more coming soon)
Gas stations services: electro car plug, WiFi, cafe, restaurant, WC, store, tire fitting, tire compressor, car wash, shower, baby changing table, dry cleaning, currency exchange, parking, large vehicle parking, vacuum cleaner, service station.
Gas stations fuel: gasoline A100, gasoline A98, gasoline A95, gasoline A92, gasoline A80, diesel, gas.
Gas stations of Moscow, Saint-Petersburg