RadarMeet - Meet, Friend, Chat for Android
Every time that I try and create an account, I fill in the info needed. And then I press the create account button. But it just clears my information and does not create an account. Why is this?
1 ایران رو نداره 2 سرعت فوق العاده پایین ارزش نداره حجمتون رو صرفش کنید
This is the BEST I have ever downloaded! I love it!
Hi dev... i like that its not to many permissions. Database is low, what are you doing about adv promotion? Can you make uploading profile photo a must, with report photo option? Crashes on search file to upload photo samsung galaxy s3... also good to see no bs reviews.
Just started using this must say its super easy to find people. Wish it had more users, since its new and all. Good job to the developer behind this for making finding locals easy and fast. Hope you guys make it big one day! At least you guys have one hot chick as a member now lol. ;-)
by R####:
This is the BEST I have ever downloaded! I love it!