About Resi dan Ongkos Kirim
Aplikasi untuk mengecek resi kiriman paket dan ongkos kirim semua kurir. Untuk cek ongkos kirim meliputi jasa kurir jne, pos, tiki, rpx, esl, pcp, pandu, wahana, sicepat, jnt, pahala, cahaya, sap, jet, indah, dse. Sedangkan untuk cek resi meliputi kurir jne, pos, tiki, wahana, jnt, rpx, sap, sicepat, pcp, jet, dse. Applications for checking receipts parcel and postage all couriers. To check the postage JNE include courier services, postal, tiki, rpx, esl, pcp, waveguides, rides, sicepat, JNT, reward, light, sap, jet, beautiful, DSE. As for the check receipts include JNE courier, postal, tiki, rides, JNT, rpx, sap, sicepat, pcp, jet, DSE.