About Easy Bill Split
What is EzBillSplit (Easy Bill Split)?
EzBillSplit (Easy Bill Split) is a utility tool that lets you split bills across a group of people.
No need to do complicated calculations to know who owes money to whom, whatever is the complexity of the bill, group, payments, goods or services, etc.
When should you use EzBillSplit (Easy Bill Split)?
Imagine you're on vacation with a large number of friends (and their kids running around :). A couple friends paid for the apartment rental, some brought food in, others have bought alcohols. There are families with 1 child, others with 2 or 3 of them, and not everyone is staying for the same amount of time. A few friends will arrive later and miss a couple lunches with the group. Some don't eat meat, some don't drink alcohol.. Ouch, splitting the bill across so many people, with such constraints seems to be pretty complicated, right?
Plus, all these folks are friends, and you don't want to get into arguments because of stupid money problems...; About to give up with grouped holidays? Well, don't worry, EzBillSplit will work out the bill split for you in a simple click.
You might as well use EzBillSplit at the restaurant because there's always someone to say 'But I didn't take any wine, nor had a coffee, so why should I pay for these?' (sic)...