About Geotrafo
Geotrafo can be used for coordinate transformation of various systems in the European area.
Supported coordinate systems:
WGS84, UTM worldwide, MGRS(UTMREF), DHDN, Gauss-Krüger 2-5 (DHDN),
Gauss-Krüger (DHDN-Nord,DHDN-Mitte,DHDN-Süd), GK 3-5(S42/83),
MGI, Gauss-Krueger M28-M34, LAMB-AUT, BMN[AUT],
CH1903, LV03-M & C, CH1903+, LV95, KROVAK, S-JTSK, KROVAK(SK), S-JTSK(SK),
NTF incl. Zone I,II,IIE,III,IV and Carto-Variants, RGF93, LAMB93, CC42-CC50,
BAL-ED50(-TM), GIBR-ED50(-TM), D73(-TM), DLX(-TM), DLB(-TM), PT-TM06,
NGO1948(-O), NGO-GK1-8, RT90(-7.5,5,2.5,0 gon V/O), SWEREF99 (12_00 to 23_15),
KKJ(-Uniform), KKJ-Zone 0-5, ETRS-TM35FIN, ETRS-GK19-31 FIN, DK-ED50(-TM32/33),
DKTM1-4, KP2000 J/S/P, ROMA40-West/Ost(Gauss-Boaga), ED50-UTM32 to 36, ED 50,
GREEK, GGRS87, MGI1901-Zone 5&6, D48/GK, D48, D96/TM, HDKS-Zone 5&6, HDKS,
HTRS96-TM, HTRS EOV, HD72, S42(ANCPI)-Stereo70, Dealul Piscului 70&30-Stereo33,
Stereo33, S42/58-Zone_I to V, S42/58-PL, EUREF89-Zone5 to 8, EUREF92-CS92,
Baltic93-TM, EST92-LB, LKS94-TM, LKS92-TM, Pulkovo42(EST)-Zone34&35, Pulkovo42-Est,
Pulkovo42, GK-zone 7-64 (3°), GK-zone 4-32 (6°), CM-Variante 21E-168W,
Pulkovo95, GK-zone 7-64 (3°), GK-zone 4-32 (6°), CM-Variante 21E-168W,
UTM 30N-35N, ED50-UTM 28-36, ETRS89-LCC, ETRS89-LAEA, WebMercator
- Coordinate transformation (Helmert transformation)
- Show GPS coordinates in input (upper) fields
- Number of receiving satellites (fixed/all)
- Data of the recieved satellites as a list or graphically
including PDOP, the expected accuracy, etc.
- Saving of output points in the logfile
- Compass for locating points and distance calculation
- Show various maps with the output coordinate
- Convert degree-minutes-seconds to decimal degrees
- Import/Export GPX files
- Import/Export ASCII files
- Import/Export Shape files
Input forms: decimal degrees, degrees-decimal minutes
or degrees-minutes-seconds in geographical systems.
Output is in decimal degrees or in degrees-minutes-seconds
(if GMS box is checked).
In addition, possibility for saving the result coordinates in the log file on the SD-card. This happens always by pressing the convert button (if "Log" - box is checked).
These points can be re-imported into the input or output fields.
Or alternatively creating the logfile.txt extern on a computer and copy this file to the SD-card.
Autoconvert for instant conversion when changing the system or with active GPS.
Preselect of the countries (for reduced Items in System-selection)
9 languages, selectable in the app
Integrating the current GPS coordinates and write them into the (upper) input field (= always WGS84).
In combination with logging You can record a track in the choosed output coordinate system.
Determining the distance/azimut between the input and output coordinates
(regardless of the selected coordinate system) and display on a compass.
Use of GPS-Signal or orientation sensor (if exists).
Calculation of the distances in x-/y- direction in various Unities,
possibility of choice of a map-unity KEH (= Map scale).
If GPS is active, values are continously updated.
Required permissions: Location and Storage
(for using GPS and creating/saving the Logfile)
More information can be found on the website.
PDF: http://www.geotrafo.com/en/manual_app.pdf