About 热闹的儿童市场
集购物、销售、计算、付款与一体, 最多可供6位小朋友玩乐的新概念市场经济教育游戏。
1. 新概念市场经济教育用游戏板
2. 使用 OID 识别传感器
3. 游戏板内设路线导航功能
4. 利用左、右接近传感器的游戏 To run this APP,
Intelligent robots must first install the starter.
Shopping, sales, calculation, payment and one for up to six children a new concept of a market economy play educational games.
1 new concept of a market economy with a game board of education
2 Use OID recognition sensor
3 game board features route navigation
4 using the left and right of the proximity sensor game