About gango
gango - The marketplace for local services. Competent, Fair & Transparent.
Who offers or requests what service, where, when at what price and quality.
You have a job that needs to be carried out?
With Gango you can anonymusly request, compare and assign services free of charge. You choose whether you want to find the fastest service supplier, the best price or the best quality by comparing offers and ratings. Only after a succefull deal your identity and contact details are exchanged with your service supplier.
You want to carry out a job?
With Gango you can easily search for assignments and place your bid or offers free of charge. Only if you are succefully awarded with a contract the service fee of 1%-5% of the contract voume become due. For testing our service the first 3 contracts are free of charge. You can also advertise your services in our Yellow Pages and receive notifications when a matching assignment is placed - free of charge.
Privacy concerns?
On gango you stay anonymous behind your user name and your identity and contact details are only discolsed to your succefull trading parties.
You hate spam? We too!
In difference to competitors our business model is not based on advertising and we opperate free of advertising. We are focused to keep you free of spam!
If you want to stay informed about new service requests or tenders in your business area and according to your preferences you may create, edit and delete news feeds free of charge on https://gango.com
For more check: https://gango.com
by A####:
Excellent service !!