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일출과메기는 예전부터 내려오는 전통 건조방식과 더 넓은
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웰빙음식으로 알려진 건강식품 과메기도 드시고 가정의 건강도 함께
기원해 봅니다. 감사합니다.
개발자 연락처 :
010-7292-9654 Can not forget the taste chewy cold winter had consistently found
Dear sir or wholesale customers?
Hang dry in the past year gwamegi the Guryongpo
Transformed according to the signs of a lot of years.
Gyeongsang specialties in the now widely known across the country
The finding that each year grow.
In the past several years the sunrise gwamegi gwamegi to traditional production
Gwamegi to customers by producing cheap and good quality
Gwamegi not taste fishy and mountainous gwamegi to jjondeuk
Been prepared to showcase open to the mall.
Please support gave consistently provide our customers appreciate
Gwamegi only produce good quality and the expectations of our customers
Gwamegi response to further protect the tradition and will continue to taste.
Sunrise from the old traditions gwamegi drying system and the wider
Have geonjojang and order in the country to receive sufficient
Quantities are available.
Being known health food health food gwamegi's getting along with family
Try origin. Thank you.