Game News for Android
This app blows.....Why? Because when all you want to do is go get news on Videos games but the news feed has liberal bias political news in it.....ALWAYS and you cant remove it from the feed....anti-Trump this anti-Republican that....hey Deadspin and The Concourse guess what? Trump won baby!! TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP......I will now go find a real VIDEO GAME NEWS APP thanks.
Will pop up once per article or whenever it feels like it. Basically a pop up Ad like the ones on PC but no defenses to stop it from showing up. Glorious ads [T]/ Praise it [T]/ uninstalled.
This app constantly takes you to the play store to download whatever they are advertising. Combine that with broken links and fees, and you are left with just crap.
All the gaming info you need....
Really show the latest news of games and other things
Can't go back far enough to view articles from yesterday, or even early today. Also, PC Gamer doesn't show up at all. There is potential here but with these shortcomings, I uninstalled.
by G####:
I really want to love this app, it does everything I love. Except it spams the play store at me, constantly trying to load 8 or 9 different apps at the same time. Even after waiting for them all to load, and closing them out, when I try to go back to the article I was reading, the app takes me back to the play store again for another round of loading. Also the link for Kotaku doesn't work.