TuneSkill CPNS 2017

TuneSkill CPNS 2017 Free App

Rated 4.29/5 (308) —  Free Android application by Gadgetium


About TuneSkill CPNS 2017

TuneSkill CPNS 2017 adalah aplikasi untuk persiapan ujian CPNS dengan cara cepat/mudah/efisien (sedikit belajar untuk dapat nilai tinggi).

Tips lulus ujian dengan cepat/mudah/efisien(sedikit belajar):
1. Banyak latihan soal.
2. Catat/Pisahkan soal yang mudah dan sulit dijawab. Sulit berarti :
- kamu tidak tahu jawaban dari soal
- kamu ragu-ragu dengan jawaban kamu, walaupun pada akhirnya benar
- kamu yakin jawaban kamu benar, tapi ternyata salah.
3. Belajarlah materi untuk soal yang sulit.
4. Lakukan latihan soal berulang untuk soal-soal yang sulit.
5. Setiap latihan soal, catat nilai akhir kamu, dan bandingkan progress kemajuan kamu.
6. Bandingkan kemampuan kamu dengan teman.

Aplikasi ini membantu kamu untuk melaksanakan tips di atas (kecuali no.3).
Kamu akan berlatih dengan 15 soal tiap matpel dari yang termudah sampai yang paling sulit.
Setiap soal ada info tingkat kesulitan yang menunjukkan seberapa banyak orang bisa dan tidak bisa jawab soal itu.
Jika kamu bisa jawab soal di mana kebanyakan orang tidak bisa jawab, maka artinya kamu siap untuk ujian.

- Adaptive test (soal diberikan dari yang mudah sampai yang paling sulit)
- Latihan Soal Mudah, Sedang, Sulit
- Latihan Soal LearnByMistake, berisi soal-soal yang kamu tidak bisa jawab sebelumnya.
- Info tingkat kesulitan soal.
- Top Skors, Bandingkan skors kamu dengan top 100 skors.
- Review hasil latihan ujian terakhir.
- Google+, so you know when your friend using the app (good for competition).

Aplikasi butuh koneksi internet. Kebanyakan masalah terjadi karena koneksi internet yang mati atau terblokir selama app digunakan.

- Kenapa butuh koneksi internet?
1. Aplikasi mengunduh data soal awal dan top skors pada saat aplikasi pertama kali digunakan.
2. Selama latihan ujian,
- aplikasi butuh konek ke online program lain untuk menggambar formula dan rumus biasanya dalam matpel matematika, kimia, dan fisika.
- aplikasi mengunduh gambar-gambar untuk soal yang butuh gambar.
- aplikasi mensinkronisasi data statistics tingkat kesulitan soal.
- aplikasi mengunduh soal baru.
6. Untuk menyimpan skors ke top skors yang ditampilkan untuk semua, aplikasi menggunakan koneksi internet.

- Saya baru install aplikasi, kenapa tidak ada apa-apa untuk mulai latihan ujian?
Aplikasi butuh koneksi internet untuk mengunduh data soal dan top skors. Klik tombol download di tengah bawah layar.

- Kenapa soalnya itu-itu saja? Saya minta soal baru?
Aplikasi otomatis mengunduh soal baru pada sedang latihan ujian. Jika internet mati atau terblokir, maka soal baru tidak akan terunduh.

- Kenapa saya mengalami out of memory error.
Aplikasi butuh koneksi internet dan menyimpan data statistic di memory sampai koneksi internet tersedia. Jika koneksi tetap mati, maka memory akan penuh dan menyebabkan error.

- Kenapa saya latihan ujian, tiba2 suka crash?
Pastikan koneksi internet hidup dan aplikasi sudah yang terbaru. Silakan hubungi kami di email dengan memberikan info jenis hape/tablet yang dipakai, versi android (ics, jb, kitkat), dan status apakah kamu me-root device kamu.

- Kenapa di hape yang satu jalan, di hape yang lain tidak?
Device android sangat banyak dan kami hanya melakukan testing ke device terbatas. Tes dilakukan hanya di hape samsung galaxy note, htc, dan google nexus. Jika ada device tidak kompatibel, bisa informasikan ke kami. Kami harus mencari 'pinjaman' device tersebut untuk memperbaiki. TuneSkill employess 2017 is an application for test preparation employess with a quick / easy / efficient (a bit of learning to be a high value).

Tips pass the exam quickly / easily / efficiently (little studied):
1. Many exercises.
2. Record / USD matter of easy and difficult to answer. Difficult means:
- You do not know the answer to the question
- You hesitate with the answer you, though ultimately correct
- You sure you answer correctly, but it turned out to be wrong.
3. Learn the material for a hard question.
4. Perform repetitive exercises to difficult questions.
5. Each exercises, record the final value you, and compare your progress progress.
6. Compare your abilities with friends.

This application helps you to carry out the above tips (except no.3).
You will train with 15 questions each matpel from easiest to most difficult.
Each no info about the difficulty level which indicates how many people can and can not answer that.
If you can answer about where most people can not answer, then that means you're ready for the exam.

- Adaptive test (about given from the easiest to the most difficult)
- Exercises Easy, Medium, Hard
- Exercises LearnByMistake, contains questions that you can not answer before.
- Info about the difficulty level.
- Top suspension, suspension Compare you with the top 100 suspension.
- Review the results of the last test practice.
- Google+, so you know when your friend using the app (good for competition).

Applications need an internet connection. Most problems occur because the Internet connection is dead or blocked during the app is used.

- Why does it take an internet connection?
1. Applications download data about the beginning and the top suspended at the time the application is first used.
2. During the exercise test,
- Applications need to connect to the online another program to draw formulas and formulas usually in matpel mathematics, chemistry, and physics.
- Applications to download images to a matter that took images.
- Applications synchronize data statistics about the difficulty level.
- Applications to download new issues.
6. To save the suspensions to top suspension displayed for all, the application uses the internet connection.

- I just install the application, why is not there anything to start the practice test?
Applications need an Internet connection to download the data about and top suspension. Click the download button at the bottom center of the screen.

- Why because that's it? I ask new questions?
Applications can automatically download new issues in moderate exercise test. If the Internet is blocked, then the new problems will not be downloaded.

- Why do I run into out of memory error.
Applications need an internet connection and store statistical data in memory until an Internet connection is available. If the connection is still dead, then the memory will be full and cause errors.

- Why do I practice exam, tiba2 like crash?
Make sure an Internet connection alive and applications are up to date. Please contact us at the email with giving info type of phone / tablet is used, the version of android (ics, jb, kitkat), and status are you to root your device.

- Why in the mobile phone that one street, on the phone the other is not?
Device android very much and we only do limited testing to device. Tests carried out only on the phone samsung galaxy note, htc and google nexus. If no device is not compatible, can inform us. We should look for 'loan' to fix the device.

How to Download / Install

Download and install TuneSkill CPNS 2017 version 5.1.4 on your Android device!
Downloaded 10,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: com.gadgetium.test.cpns, download TuneSkill CPNS 2017.apk

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Android app

App History & Updates

What's Changed
Main Features (v5):
- Simplified test modes : Normal & Expert (4 into 2)
- Display key answer and solution (if available) after answering every question.
- Add new module 'my progress', showing historical test progress in list and chart mode.
- Improve test algorithm, increase chances of question with wrong answer to be re-questions (digs up) and digs down question with correct answer.
- User can now review all tests from "My Progress-List" menu.
Version update TuneSkill CPNS 2017 was updated to version 5.1.4
Name changed  Name changed! TuneSkill CPNS 2016 now is known as TuneSkill CPNS 2017.
Version update TuneSkill CPNS 2017 was updated to version 4.1.2
Name changed  Name changed! Try-out CPNS now is known as TuneSkill CPNS 2016.

What are users saying about TuneSkill CPNS 2017

by X####:

bagus, sangat simpel. belajar jadi bisa dimana saja.

by N####:

Banyak jawaban yang salah. Serta perintah soal yang tidak jelas. Tapi menu dan tampilan okelah.

by Y####:

Aplikasi yg ok banget!!!!

by B####:


by C####:

thanks... boleh dicoba

by M####:

Banyak jawaban yang tidak sesuai dengan yang seharusnya.

by A####:


by Y####:

harus terkoneksi dengan internet, beberapa jawabannya juga kurang akurat..

by H####:

Asik dibuat latihan

by K####:

ok lahhh updet yyyy

by K####:

Good enough, thanx

by K####:

bagus, sangat simpel. belajar jadi bisa dimana saja.

by Z####:

pas buat yg mau tes cpns

by P####:


by K####:

cocok nih buat TKD

by L####:

Saya mau TKDan.. pas dan cocok nih.

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