About Fxb Calculators
Trading Calculators app
Use our Trading calculators app to make accurate calculations at the right time to make the most out of your trades. With our range of online calculators, you can complete a number of important trading calculations in order to help you evaluate your risk and monitor profit or loss for each trade you carry out.
Every calculator includes an explanation of how the calculations are worked out and allows the values to be changed depending on your needs.
In the app you will get a full list of foreign exchange rates, also known as forex rates.
What's in the app?
Margin calculator
Pip calculator
Position size calculator
Stop Loss calculator
Profit/Loss calculator
Pivot calculator
Fibonacci calculator
Correlation calculator
Currency converter
Margin calculator: calculates margin requirements of a trade position based on the position size and the account leverage.
Pip calculator: calculates the single pip value in your account currency based on position size and pip amount.
Position size calculator: helps you to find the approximate amount of currency units to buy or sell to control your maximum risk per position.
Stop Loss calculator: as one of the most common risk management tools it calculates the loss of a position
Profit/Loss calculator: calculates the profit and loss of a position
Pivot calculator: calculates the key support and resistance levels based on various Pivot calculation methods.
Fibonacci calculator: calculates the key levels of Fibonacci retracement and Fibonacci extensions by the input of high and low price.
Correlation calculator: the correlation calculator visually (using charts) represents the existence of an interconnection between movements in the price of different trading pairs and calculates a correlation coefficient.
Currency converter - get accurate currency conversion rates for any pair of currencies.
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Android package:
com.fxb.fxbCalculators, download Fxb Calculators.apk
by M####:
Best app for calculating my profit and loss. Very nice tools. Well done FXB Trading.