About OneBizHub
OneBizHub is the ultimate white-label solution for mobile operators and service providers, that enables the sync and sharing of business documents to their SMB customers.
Sharing capabilities allow users to collaborate within their workgroups or with external guests.
It offers the highest level of usability and security to easily access files and folders from computer, Web and mobile.
OneBizHub features include:
• All of user's folders and documents kept synched across any of his devices
• Sharing on folders and documents within the organization or with outside partners
• Customizable access permissions for shared folders and links to files and folders
• Track of computer devices and remote logout
• Workgroup Admin to manage users and accounts in each SMB
• Operator Admin to manage SMB customers with a dedicated console
• White-label to make it 100% yours
• Integration-ready to fit into operator eco-system
• Cloud or on-premise deployment available
• Highly scalable, fault-tolerant, and distributed architecture
• Extensible via RESTful APIs