About FREE Ringtones
FREE Ringtones offers you cool ringtones, best message notifications and alarm sounds, all in one place. Look no further for free new ringtones that will turn you into coolest person in the room. FREE Ringtones is the latest app that has something for everyone’s taste. It’s time to show your friends how cool and hip you are. Assign different tunesfor each contact in your contact list and enjoy most popular ringtones of 2016 for free now. Great SMS notifications, fun ringtones and alarm sounds are now just a touch away. Download FREE Ringtones and enjoy this year’s best ringtones.
<> All free ringtones included in the app, no additional download needed;
<> Easy to use, just set the sound as ringtone, notification or alarm;
<> If you need more awesome ringtones, just press “Other ringtones” button and browse through our other apps.
FREE Ringtones is a collection on various free ringtones, message alert sounds and energizing alarm sounds. If you are bored with your old ringtones, it’s time to “feed” your Android™ with fresh cool sounds. Wake up every morning feeling relaxed and energized with great alarm sound notifications. Smile whenever you receive messages from your friends with fun message notifications. Assign your favorite melody to those contacts that call you most often and dance around the room whenever they ring you up. How you choose to ring is how you want your life to be. With “FREE Ringtones”, you will enjoy every moment of your life!
Legal Info
-Android is a trademark of Google Inc.
-All sounds used in this application are under Public Domain or Creative Commons license. For any questions or concerns about the license, please contact us at freetonesapps@gmail.com
-All graphics, texts and app source code are the sole property and copyright of Freetones Studio. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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FREE Ringtones version 3.0 on your
Android device!
Downloaded 1,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package:
com.freetones.free, download FREE Ringtones.apk