Dont waste ur time this is horrible
Sucks. Braces look fake and I had an ad every 2 seconds...
It's working great, nice features. My photos looking great now.
Is was so ugly and many braces
Actually better than ALL THE other braces apps!!
very awful stupied app
Liked it
Awesome I highly recommend this app! I love it. I will so only be getting braces so it let's me see what and how I will look with them on. And for those who say they look fake, yes sometime they do. But you can just dim it down so they don't look as fake.
So funny It's not accurate but I see the point of this app and it is really funny when you send the pictures to people. You can take really funny ones. It's a good app just to have fun with and play around with.
Fun This amazing brace yourself there so much to do best one that i seen. There are to many adds and pop ups that the only bad thing gogo photo editor
Awesome Great job on this braces teeth app guy's. I'm always in it creating new and awesome photos for my family and friends. You couldn't have done a better job. THANK YOU
Why a like Okay so I'm just now getting the chance to use this Braces app. That's pretty much why I'm just giving it a like, I am impressed so far. It's pretty easy to use, and it's pretty fun too, the ads are kinda annoying. But other people need to make money too, so it's okay I guess. ^-^
It's so amazing I love this app so much is so amazing I just love it and like other as they suck every time like millions of others I hate them but this one is just amazing but I want to look like a dog I'll take a picture of my dog and make myself think about it so I love it so much on the good work
his app is ight I fooled my best friend with this app and it's really cool but they don't look real until you got black and white don't let the pictures cool you
K train knows best peeps Well my friend introduced me to this app and it is 10 outta 10
Braces I love braces I love to pretend to have some.Thank u.A and don't believe the mean people this app is the best brace game ever. I love this game please install it because the game maker will love it.thank u for reading my comment thank u so much
Braces I love braces I love to pretend to have some.Thank u.A and don't believe the mean people this app is the best brace game ever. I love this game please install it because the game maker will love it.thank u for reading my comment thank u so much
Amazing It tricked my friends so many times they they have all got the app and furrier enjoy it
Collage maker It's so good like its makes the best collages ever well at least for me and its so easy to use but the only things I would say that's doesn't make it perfect is the ads that pop up
Absolutely Awesome App !!! It's very easy to navigate, quite self-explanatory.brace yourself LOVE how easy it is to make collages. Now I can do it from my phone instead of needing to upload pictures to the computer to use Photo Shop.
I love this app! This app is so cool it's like you have real braces I prank my mom I told her I'm at the orthodontiscs and I send her my pics I have braces she thought it was real I really like the app rate it 5 stars!
Great app This is a great app it so looks real I love it just wow I download another braces one and it was really bad this is so good u love it
Good Very good and handy brace yourself app.Keep on improving guys.Could u add more creative frames like in isn't compatible with my mobile,so I downloaded this one.plzz add creative frames.
Luved this app I can do a lot of things in one single place just cn't resist myself frm editing my photos .
Loving it This app is so cool I love it you could do photo editing and a whole bunch of other stuff I love the different colors you can pick and the Emojis and the pictures that you can edit it's a whole bunch of fun and it never ends
Cool It makes me kind of different littlebit because I am 9 years old but I don't have big teeth yet well I like it a still
Liked it I liked how you could put lot of different pictures on a photo and put mirrors around it. The only thing I liked it is because it could of had more stickers.
Download it!!!!!! I'm telling u it's the best it can help create collages and mirror pics plus it has those snap chat stickers and they're me you're gonna like it just download it
Loving it I love it so much it's a good at if you really want braces you should get it there are a couple ads here and there but an overall app five stars
I LOVE THIS APP!!!!!!!! It's really fun to play with and really cool! But I hope they can fix the few adds popping up when u want to share it, besides that, it's awesome I recommend it!
AWESOME I prank my friends and lot with this and I say look I got braces and when they see me there like you got them took end out WTF?!?!
Loving it It makes me fill toasted it is a very great app its really in joy able if your looking for one just go on amd choose this one
Awesome Loved this app i don't know What u people are talking about wont load the braces.....every time i do it works so i rate this just fine and you guys need to give it another chance,i love it!!!!!!!!!
Whip nae nae Awesome love it better than SC now all my friends are like give meh ur snap chat u have it obviously
Yas I think i can prank my friend with this
Great app !! My followers on Instagram and Twitter and Facebook love what I do with my tweaks . Keep up the good work!!
This is sowe healful every time i take a photo normal it was horrible but with this app it hepls me feel beutiful
Great I am getting braces soon and I have been wondering what color to get.
Enjoyed.... I really loved it.. Because it makes my photos much better than the original.... I like it.. Friends...!! U can install this app....
by C####:
It isn't most best Game most because i have No storage so I have to say goodbye and I only have back cam