Freebies for Android
We have more than just free stuff on Freebies. We also find the most exciting prizes for our users to win. We have a combination of sweepstakes sponsored by other companies, as well as sweepstakes set up personally by us. We like to give back to our fans so keep your eyes open for these!
We know how difficult it can be to stretch a dollar, but we have a lot of ways to help you do it. From printable coupons, to deal alerts to online shopping. We're dedicated to helping you hold on to your hard-earned money. You'll find all sorts of helpful tips and tricks to save money too!
You do NOT have to register with There is no login or password requirement. We do have a newsletter you can sign up to and get the latest and greatest, but it is not a requirement. Brands often ask for your address because they need to know where to send your free sample. It’s always different companies sending out free samples, so that means you may have to fill out a form each time. Sometimes brands ask you to answer a few questions before you sign up; this is because they want to know how they can improve their products to better suit your needs.
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