Just The Tip! for Android
Before I never knew how to calculate tip. I always fumbled with trying to solve math. (My mom always said I was never the smartest). But now I can solve how much tip to give that sexy waitress!
Almost better than Froody Loops!
My mother always told me that with every great tip, there's an even better app. While I usually put more in than just the tip, it's at least a good place to start.
I love this app! Definitely use it every time!!! I especially find it very convenient that it adds up the entire bill including the tip!!!! Very much recommend it to everyone and their friends!!!
by N####:
Using a calculator isn't always an option. You have a phone, but you don't feel like doing math. This app makes it all the better by just inputting a total for a bill and the percentage of the tip. Now you don't have to feel bad if you calculate a tip wrong cause its just the apps fault!