FM Radio Russia All Stations for Android
Disclaimer :
Trademarks and logos belong to respective owners.
All station streaming URLs in this application are obtained from public domain (internet). This application only present these content in a user friendly way. Some stations are not a 100% reliable and/or have a max. limit of listeners.
1) Listen to radio without earphones/headphones
1) Sleep Timer
2) Material Design from Latest Android Nougat
3) Play from recent played
4) Play FM radio over internet
5) Play online radio
6) Record radio
7) Play radio in background more
8) Control radio by notification controller in background mode
Radio Channels
100.5 FM
100.7 FM
101.2 FM
101.7 FM
103.0 FM
104.6 FM
107.2 FM
107.6 FM
430 FM
89.7 FM
90.6 FM
92.8 FM
93.2 FM
95.6 FM
96 FM
98 FM
98.4 FM
98.8 FM
Best FM
FM 107.4
FM 88.3
FM 93.6
FM 99.6
Kekc FM 91.1
Like FM 87.9
Love Radio 106.6 FM
Monte Carlo
Relax 90.8 FM
Rusia 1
Rusia 2
Rusia 3
Rusia 4
Rusia 5
Rusia 6
Rusia 7