About ŠOU-LJ
Študentska organizacija Univerze v Ljubljani (ŠOU v Ljubljani) je za vse študente izdala brezplačno mobilno aplikacijo.
Aplikacija omogoča interaktivno povezavo s ŠOU v Ljubljani. Spremljajte dogodke, zabave, šolanje, izobraževanje, socialo, kulturo, šport, mednarodno dogajanje, zavode, razpise, radio, zemljevid s fakultetami, študentskimi domovi in knjižnicami.
ŠOU v Ljubljani je demokratično organizirana skupnost, ki zastopa pravice in interese študentov Univerze v Ljubljani in samostojnih visokošolskih zavodov, ki so člani ŠOU v Ljubljani, se zavzema za njihovo uresničitev, ter skrbi za kakovosten študij ter pestro in kakovostno študentsko življenje. ŠOU v Ljubljani avtonomno izvaja študentske interesne in obštudijske dejavnosti ter vodi študentsko politiko na področjih izobraževanja, socialnega in ekonomskega položaja študentov ter mednarodnega sodelovanja. Poslanstvo organizacije je na demokratičen način strukturirati stališča do različnih študentskih in družbenih vprašanj. Student Organization of the University of Ljubljana (SOU of Ljubljana) is issued to all students free mobile application.
The application provides an interactive link with the SOU of Ljubljana. Keep track of events, entertainment, education, education, welfare, culture, sports, international events, institutions, calls, radio, map with faculties, dormitories and libraries.
SOU of Ljubljana, democratically organized community, which represents the rights and interests of the students of the University of Ljubljana and higher education institutions that are members of the SOU of Ljubljana, is working to achieve them, and ensures high-quality education and a diverse and high-quality student life. SOU of Ljubljana autonomously carry out student interests and extracurricular activities and manages student politics in the fields of education, social and economic status of students, and international cooperation. The mission of the organization is democratically structured views on various student and social issues.