About Rockstar Health & Performance
Download the Rockstar App today to plan and schedule your classes! From this mobile App you can view class schedules, sign-up for classes, book an appointment for training, massage or infrared sauna.You can also access training tools, upcoming event details, as well as view the studio’s location and contact info. You can also click through to our social pages! Optimize your time and maximize the convenience of signing up for classes from your device!
Signing up for classes and appointments allows our staff to tailor all of our sessions from 1 on 1 to large group classes. Create a free profile by downloading this app or visiting our site. New clients should try our no obligation Kickstart Program for 1 month; request your initial assessment or free consultation today!
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Rockstar Health & Performance version 2.8.6 on your
Android device!
APK Size: 8 MB, downloaded 50+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package:
com.fitnessmobileapps.rockstarhealthandperformance, download Rockstar Health & Performance.apk