About FitDiary - Jurnal de Nutritie
Indiferent ca vrei sa scapi de kilogramele in plus, sa te tonifiezi, sa fii mai sanatos sau sanatoasa, sa iti schimbi obiceiurile alimentare sau doar sa te informezi cu privire la numarul de calorii din alimentele pe care le consumi, FitDiary - Jurnal de Nutritie te poate ajuta.
De ce ar trebui sa folosesti aplicatia noastra?
In primul rand este usor de folosit, gratuita si nu contine reclame, dar ceea ce ne face intr-adevar o aplicatie utila, o reprezinta functionalitatile.
Descopera valorile nutritionale ( calorii, carbohidrati, proteine, lipide, grasimi ) din peste 8000 de produse nationale si internationale. Aceste informatii sunt vizibile permanent si nu necesita vreun tip de inregistrare.
Daca vrei o experienta cu adevarat personalizata te poti inregistra foarte usor cu contul de Google sau Facebook si atunci iti vom oferi si urmatoarele lucruri:
- Adaugare produse la meniul zilnic in functie de cantitatea consumata
- Calculare in timp real a Indicelui de Masa Corporala
- Calculare in timp real a Ratei Bazale Metabolice
- Vizionare statistici cu totalul caloriilor consumate pe zile, din ultimele 7 zile calendaristice
Descarca FitDiary si traieste sanatos/a si fericit/a cu cel mai rapid si usor de folosit jurnal de calorii. Whether you want to lose weight, you toned, be healthier and healthier, to change your eating habits or just get informed about the calories from the foods you eat, FitDiary - Journal of Nutrition you can help.
Why you should use our application?
First, it is easy to use, free and contains no ads, but what makes us truly a useful application, is the functionality.
Discover the nutritional values (calories, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, fats) of more than 8,000 national and international products. This information is permanently visible and does not require any kind of registration.
If you want a truly personalized you can register easily with Google or Facebook account and then we will offer you the following things:
- Add items to the menu daily depending on the amount consumed
- calculation in real time of the Body Mass Index
- Calculate the Basal Metabolic Rate real time
- Viewing statistics total calories consumed per day in the last 7 days
Download FitDiary and live healthy / a and happy / the fastest and easy to use diary calories.
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