About 維格醫美診所
專業醫美首選維格 用心打造零距離的完美
維格醫美集團旗下第一間診所成立於1996年,首間成立的高雄五福維格皮膚科診所。維格診所有別於其他醫 美診所幾乎都是由spa館起家,維格診所由專業的皮膚專科起家,【美麗的外表雖然不是全部,但絕對是自信的來源】的核心思想。目前全台已有12間分店,遍 布全台北、中、南區。 Professional Medical US intentions to create the perfect choice for the distance of Ludwig
Ludwig Medical Group's first clinic in the United States was founded in 1996, established its first five Fuwei Ge dermatology clinic in Kaohsiung. Ludwig clinic different from other beauty clinic doctors almost always started by the spa Hall, Ludwig clinic started by a professional skin specialist, [beautiful appearance, though not all, but it is definitely a source of confidence] core idea. Taiwan currently has 12 branches throughout Taipei, central and southern areas.