About 新年贺卡
喜气洋洋的新年贺卡,可以从相册中选择自己喜欢的图片插入贺卡中,DIY出自己独特的贺卡!加上萌萌哒文字的自定义祝福语,一张完美的新年贺卡就这样诞生啦!同时一键就可以分享到朋友圈哦~是不是很棒棒! Beaming New Year greeting card, you can choose your favorite picture from the album insert greeting card, DIY their own unique greeting card! Meng Meng da add custom text greetings, a perfect New Year's card was born it! At the same time a key to a circle of friends can share oh ~ is not very Bang Bang!