Bryson Djuan Tiller (born January 2, 1993) is an American singer, songwriter and rapper. Born in Louisville, Kentucky, he started his career in 2011, releasing the mixtape Killer Instinct Vol.1. Tiller gained recognition following the release of his debut single, "Don't", which was originally premiered on SoundCloud in 2014, but was commercially released as a single in 2015. The track peaked at number 13 on the US Billboard Hot 100, with being remixed numerous other artists. Tiller's debut studio album, T R A P S O U L, was released on October 2, 2015. The album debuted at number 11 on the US Billboard 200 and later reached number 8.
In March 2016, Tiller received key to the city by Louisville's Mayor Greg Fischer. In the same year, he won his first awards, Best New Artist and Best Male R&B/Pop Artist, at the BET Awards.
Top Songs:
1. Don't
2. Exchange
3. Sorry Not Sorry
4. Right My Wrongs
5. Let Em' Know
6. Been That Way
7. Let Me Explain
8. Just Another Interlude
9. 502 Come Up
10. For However Long
11. Open Interlude
12. The Sequence
13. Rambo
14. Ten Nine Fourteen
15. Overtime
16. Self Righteous
17. Intro
18. Fuck That Nigga
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Djuan Bryson Tiller (born January 2, 1993) is an American singer, songwriter and rapper. Born in Louisville, Kentucky, he started his career in 2011, releasing the mixtape Vol.1 Killer Instinct. Tiller gained recognition following the release of his debut single, "Do not", which was originally premiered on SoundCloud in 2014, but was commercially released as a single in 2015. The track Peaked at number 13 on the US Billboard Hot 100, with being remixed numerous other artists. Tiller's debut studio album, T R A P S O U L, was released on October 2, 2015. The album debuted at number 11 on the US Billboard 200 and later Reached number 8.
In March 2016, Tiller received a key to the city by Louisville's Mayor Greg Fischer. In the same year, he won his first awards, Best New Artist and Best Male R & B / Pop Artist, at the BET Awards.
Top Songs:
1. Do not
2. Exchange
3. Sorry Not Sorry
4. Right My Wrongs
5. Let Em 'Know
6. Been That Way
7. Let Me Explain
8. Just Another Interlude
502 9. Come Up
However 10. For Long
11. Open Interlude
12. The Sequence
13. Rambo
14. Ten Nine Fourteen
15. Overtime
16. Self Righteous
17. Intro
18. Fuck That Nigga
This is the best Music & Lyrics apps
You can hear the music and see the best Lyrics
download this app for free and rate this apps
this app is not official apps
this app is for fun