About Jakarta Travel Guide
Suatu aplikasi yang berguna bagi anda yang akan melakukan travelling di kota Jakarta, isi dari aplikasi ini terdiri dari daftar ATM, Bank, toko buku, terminal bus, cafe , dokter gigi, dokter, pusat jajanan, stasiun pengisian bahan gas, pusat gyms, rumah sakit, mall, universitas, barber shop, sekolah, masjid, bioskop,restoran,
semoga bermanfaat A useful application for those of you who will do the traveling in the city of Jakarta, the contents of this application consists of a list of ATM, bank, bookstore, bus station, cafe, dentist, doctor, hawker centers, gas stations gas, central gyms, home hospitals, malls, universities, barber shops, schools, mosques, cinemas, restaurants,
Hope it is useful