About SD Unclaimed Property Search
Search for your unclaimed property in South Dakota!
Facts about South Dakota's Unclaimed Property:
- We charge no fees to return your property.
- You may call our office to check for unclaimed property. We will search up to 5 names over the telephone.
- Money returned to rightful owners in Fiscal Year 2011 was $2,068,686.
- 4,619 claims paid in Fiscal Year 2011.
- The largest pay-out to date is over $300,000.
- South Dakota's Unclaimed Property Law is based on the 1981 Uniform Act and was passed by the legislature during the 1992 session.
- Our largest property is currently over $400,000.
This application simply directs you to the mobile Unclaimed Property Search site provided by the South Dakota State Treasurer's Office.
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Android package:
com.factor360.android.sdtreasurerUP, download SD Unclaimed Property Search.apk